Electroluminescence, gouache and ink on paper, 12" x 12" 2016.

Toad Alone, gouache and ink on paper, 6" x 4.5" 2016.

Contagion, gouache and ink on paper, 6" x 4.5" 2016.

Hanger, gouache and ink on paper,  4.5" x 3"  2016.

It's Electric, gouache and ink on paper,  4.5" x 3"  2016.

Mail Order Friendgouache and ink on paper,  4.5" x 3"  2016.

Mo' Legs Mo' Friendsgouache and ink on paper,  4.5" x 3"  2016.

Feral Flock, gouache and ink on paper, 8" x 9" 2015.

Making Friends, ink and gouache on paper, 7"x10" 2014.

Gang Of Three, gouache and ink on paper, 11"x6" 2013.

Orange Adaptation, ink and gouache on paper, 11"x8" 2013.